Monday, February 8, 2010

Bogota, Colombia: In Review- The Best, and Worst, of Central America

Since I’ve been chilling out in Bogota and stuffing myself full of empanadas for the last week, I’ve had a chance to work on my blog a little. Here’ a little bit on what I thought was the Best, and Worst, of Central America…

Best Climate: Belize wins this one. Palm trees and a nice breeze…ahhh.

Worst Climate: Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica. Hot as hell + no breeze = Better pray to god that the fan in your room works!

Best Food: The giant lobsters in Belize, Café Sara’s curry chicken in Nicaragua, and definitely Arturo’s pasta carbonara in Guatemala! Mmmmmmmmm!!!!!!

Worst Food: The soggy, rubbery, slimy Chicharron (aka pig skin) at the family’s house in Guatemala…BLEH!! I seriously almost lost it at the dinner table, but hey, at least I tried it! The “hot dog breakfast” in Costa Rica was a close second.

Best Beer: Toña from Nicaragua.

Best Rum: Flor De Caña from Nicaragua.

Best coffee: Definitely café de Guatemala!!

Worst Coffee: For sure the coffee in Managua, Nicaragua. When the best option for coffee is at the local gas station you know you’re in trouble…

Best bang for your buck: Giant avocadoes for $0.30us, and breakfast and lunch for under $2.00us. Plus the coffee is amazing…Now that’s what I’m talking about! Gotta love Guatemala!!

Worst bang for your buck: Do I need to even say it?...Everywhere in Costa Rica!

Best Fruit: Guatemalan Aguacates, and Nicaraguan “Jugos Naturales”… Simply amazing!

Biggest Surprise: Definitely having a blast in Mangua and Granada, Nicaragua. So much fun that was totally unexpected… Muchas gracias to all my friends there. ;)

Best display of common sense: Throwing a long bomb with my I-Phone. Gadgets like that are totally useless things that you think you need, but are definitely better off without. But that’s just my two cents. ;)

Worst Date: The girl in Antigua who: insisted we meet at a bar, was an hour late, showed up with her sister and her cousin, and then took me to another bar because she wanted to meet up with a guy that she had met the prior night. Ummm… NEXT!!

Worst Pest: The talking “loro” next door to the family’s house in Antigua. After you hear the word “hola” 500 times in a row, roasted parrot starts to sound like a great idea for dinner!

Worst Neighborhood: For dark streets, kidnappings, and used syringes on the ground, it doesn’t get better than Barrio Martha Quezada in Managua, Nicaragua. Oh, I also forgot to mention that there are no manhole/sewage covers in the entire city… and that’s a long way down!

Worst Display of Common Sense: Arriving at the Tica bus station in Managua, Nicaragua with no place to stay and 15 minutes until sunset. Yeah, bad call.

Best act of random luck: Not knowing that the drug dealer who didn’t like me in Guatemala, was a drug dealer in who didn’t like me in Guatemala. Sometimes playing dumb, or just being dumb, is usually the best defense. :)

Best dance: Definitely on top of the bar at Reilly’s in Antigua. The best, and by far the most embarrassing! I burned the photos so don’t even ask. ;)

Most overplayed song: “I got a feelin, that tonights gonna be a good night”…

Best Karaoke moment: My room, 3am , hostel in Granada, and singing La Bamaba at the top of my lungs in my underwear after ½ a bottle of Flor De Cana and a few Mojitoes. I don’t think everyone else at the hostel, and especially the manager, thought it was as great a song as I did at the time... "Soy Capitan, Soy Capitan!!". LOL!!

Best Holiday so far: Christmas. So many cool things going on in Antigua! I loved it!!

Worst Holiday so far: 4,3,2,1… In bed with diarrhea and a fever! Happy New Year!! Whooooo!!!!!!!!

Best Bars: I&I in Belize, Reilly’s in Antigua, and that one salsa bar in Grenada. So much fun, so many good friends, and so few things I can actually remember. ;)
El Final!

1 comment:

  1. Worst Holiday so far: 4,3,2,1… In bed with diarrhea and a fever! Happy New Year!! Whooooo!!!!!!!!
    Very interesting. You know I had that same kind of ailment. But I was in Cedar rapids, Iowa, And I had a damn parasite. I won't speak anymore about it but it did involve diarrhea.
    I Know what you've been through.
